Saturday, August 08, 2009

Technology will travel! New Eee notebook !!!! WILD FOX

How amazing and cool is this!!! Am sitting in the 'garden' - ok, it is almost like a little path running down the back in between other peoples gardens that are most definately bigger. But its lovely!

WOWOWOWOWOW can you hear my heart beating!!!!! As I was writing those very last words, a FOX wandered down the path (looked like a young one), got to about 8ft away from me, before it noticed me scrabbling for my web cam..... phewy......calm down Wendy....... *breathes deep*. It was soooo beautiful, and looked so innocent...

I am actually sitting out here seeing if a) I can get a wireless signal on my notebook, so I can pick up my internet - I can, and it says I am getting 6.5 Mps, which is kinda fab....and b) if I can take pics with my fab logitech webcam (cutting out the need to take them on my camera and transfer to computer)... - and I can!

So here goes.................... as I upload - greetings from my garden of delights.....:)

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